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关于举办Willy Susilo教授学术讲座的通知



应我校邀请,澳大利亚Wollongong大学Willy Susilo教授将于9月30日(周四)14:30-16:30在腾讯会议线上为我校做学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加!报告的具体安排如下:


报 告 人:Willy Susilo教授,IEEE Fellow


报告地点:腾讯会议(901 710 417)

摘    要:Cloud computing is considered as one of the most prominent paradigms in the information technology industry, since it can significantly reduce the costs of hardware and software resources in computing infrastructure. This convenience has enabled corporations to efficiently use the cloud storage as a mechanism to share data among their employees. At the first sight, by merely storing the shared data as plaintext in the cloud storage and protect them using an appropriate access control would be a nice solution. This is assuming that the cloud is fully trusted for not leaking any information, which is impractical as the cloud is owned by a third party. Therefore, encryption is mandatory, and the shared data will need to be stored as a ciphertext using an appropriate access control. However, in practice, some of these employees may be malicious and may want to deviate from the required sharing policy. The existing protection in the literature has been explored to allow only legitimate recipients to decrypt the contents stored in the cloud storage, but unfortunately, no existing work deals with issues raised due to the presence of malicious data publishers. Malicious data publishers construct data following the given policy, but the ciphertexts can actually be decrypted by unauthorized users without valid keys, or simply, anyone else who is unauthorized. The impact of the involvement of malicious data publishers is detrimental, as it may damage intellectual properties from the corporations. Therefore, it remains an elusive research problem on how to enable a sound approach to resolve the issue when malicious data publishers are involved in the system, which is a very practical question. In this work, I will present a new direction of research that can cope with the presence of malicious data publishers.

报告人简介:Willy Susilo is a Distinguished Professor in the School of Computing and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences at the University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia. He is the director of Institute of Cybersecurity and Cryptology, School of Computing and Information Technology, UOW and the Head of School of Computing and Information Technology at UOW. He is an IEEE Fellow, an IET Fellow, an ACS fellow and an AAIA fellow. He was awarded the prestigious Australian Research Council Future Fellowship in 2009. In 2016, he was awarded the “Researcher of the Year at UOW. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier’s Computer Standards and Interfaces and the MDPI’s Information journal. He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, ACM Computing Surveys and Elsevier’s Computers and Security. He has also served as the program committee member of several international conferences.






上一条:关于举办Tingwen Huang教授学术讲座的通知











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